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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Greg Kroah-Hartman visited the Whisper team in March and April 2015, as an Inria invited researcher. Kroah-Hartman is one of the leading developers of the Linux kernel, and at the time only one of two developers employed by the Linux Foundation, with the other being Linus Torvalds. During his visit, he gave a number of courses and seminars at UPMC, Paris Diderot University, and Ecole Normale Supérieur, and a keynote in a conference on the Internet of Things organized by the GTLL. He also participated throughout his visit in the activities of the Whisper team around the use of Coccinelle and research projects related to the Linux kernel.


Iago Abal, a PhD student at the IT University in Copenhagen, Denmark, visited the Whisper team from January 14, 2015 to March 1, 2015.

Research stays abroad

As part of Academics Without Borders, Pierre-Évariste Dagand was a visiting researcher at the University of Cape Coast (Ghana) during 2 months. Aside from his teaching duties, his role was to foster the research activity of the university's Computer Science department. He was thus in charge of the organisation of a weekly research seminar, whose purpose was to perform scientific dissemination and to transmit academic best practices.